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1. Prospectus of S1 Management
Management science developed in line with the era of globalization, information and communication technologies that provide an understanding of the approach or important procedures in researching, analyzing and solving managerial problems.

Management is a process of planning, organizing, directing and monitoring efforts of the members of the organization and use of resources to achieve organizational goals.

Management courses prepare graduates to enter the job field-based business and non-business, national and international, as professionals in finance, marketing (marketing), HR (human resources), as well as an entrepreneur operating.
Competencies of Graduates of S1 Management
S1 Management of PKSM Ganesha Jakarta College of Economics graduates equipped with knowledge, ethics, ability and skills to manage various types of organizations in a comprehensive manner in the areas of finance, marketing, human resources, and operations, as well as strategic decision making.

In addition, it is also equipped with the ability to utilize information and communication technologies in managing the company, developing management information systems, creating a business plan, conduct business negotiations with presentations and good; economic analytical skills, quantitative and management; collate and analyze the financial performance of public enterprises and nonpublic; perform analysis of financial markets (forex market, money market and capital market); draft feasibility study; planning and marketing research; analysis of International Trade, etc.

Bachelor of Management of PKSM Ganesha Jakarta College of Economics basic competency is to have quality and intellectual integrity; highly competitive both academically and morally; able to adjust to the changes; realize that science is always advancing and evolving; able to browse and obtain scientific information; know-how and can continue continuous learning; in dealing with each problem, and is able to reveal the structure of the core problems and set priorities stages of completion; know and can take advantage of the usefulness of information technology can apply science and knowledge, competent and skilled in the field of management; able to solve problems logically, utilize data / information available; able to use these concepts to explain things that are not / less clear; able to work independently and effort; able to actively participate in the working group; able to communicate with experts in other areas of expertise and utilize aid them; able to effectively utilize the resources available; able to start forming units pioneering entrepreneur in the field of management, be able to follow new developments in the field of management, conduct research, or to follow the course of study at the next level.

S1 Management of PKSM Ganesha Jakarta College of Economics graduates has the ability to lead a business organization with strong integrity, the ability to communicate both orally and in writing, ability to cooperate in teams, the ability to understand science to ethics, the ability to understand the knowledge in the field of management, the ability to lead others.
Profession and Career Graduates of S1 Management
Bachelor of Management of PKSM Ganesha Jakarta College of Economics can work and career as a:

Entreprenuer (entrepreneur), academics or a career in government and private agencies as professional managers and experts in the fields of marketing, finance, human resource management, production and operations in manufacturing companies, service companies, hospitals, hotels, banking, education, technology information, communication, and so on.

Being a management consultant / business that are reliable, and insightful entrepreneurs information and communication technology.

As professional managers and experts in the field of Marketing, Finance, Human Resources, Production and Operations on manufacturing companies, service companies, hospitals, hotels, banking, education, etc.

2. Prospectus of S1 Accounting
Accounting Sciences is developing very fast in supporting the needs of the company, the accounting profession, the government and society in the face of global economic turbulence, information and communication technology.

One of the fundamental nature of accounting is to provide financial information quickly, precisely and accurately by using information technology, so have the accountability to all users in order to establish good corporate governance and good government governance.

Accounting Studies program creates graduates who are competent and able to master the financial accounting application, examination and analysis of the financial statements of the company's commercial and public sector as a manager or entrepreneur who is able to create and develop and implement systems and procedures for accounting and financial professionals as well as the development of technology capable of understanding accounting information systems and financial fields applicable.
Competencies of Graduates of S1 Accounting
S1 Accounting of PKSM Ganesha Jakarta College of Economics graduates equipped with knowledge, ethics, ability and skills to prepare financial statements, managing finances, developing accounting information systems, carrying out financial audits, conventional and Islamic banking operations, the preparation of the financial statements of micro small and medium enterprises (SMEs/UMKM) in order to meet the needs of credit through the role of the banking sector, calculating and preparing tax reports, analyzing financial statements of public sector for the development of public sector institutions; able to perform a quantitative analysis of the accounting field; able to perform the examination and analysis of the financial statements of commercial and public sector; able to create and develop and implement systems and accounting procedures; has expertise in the areas of tax management,

Basic competencies of S1 Accounting of PKSM Ganesha Jakarta College of Economics is have quality and intellectual integrity; highly competitive both academically and morally; able to adjust to the changes; realize that science is always advancing and evolving; able to browse and obtain scientific information; know-how and can continue continuous learning; in dealing with each problem, and is able to reveal the structure of the core problems and set priorities stages of completion; know and can take advantage of the usefulness of information technology can apply science and knowledge, competent and skilled in the fields of accounting; able to solve problems logically, utilize data / information available; able to use these concepts to explain things that are not / less clear; able to work independently and effort; able to actively participate in the working group; able to communicate with experts in other areas of expertise and utilize aid them; able to effectively utilize the resources available; able to start forming units pioneering entrepreneur in the field of accounting, able to follow new developments in the field of accounting, conduct research, or to follow the course of study at the next level.

S1 Accounting of PKSM Ganesha Jakarta College of Economics graduates have strong integrity, the ability to communicate both orally and in writing, ability to cooperate in teams, the ability to understand science to ethics, the ability to understand the knowledge in the field of accounting, the ability to lead others.
Profession and Career Graduates of S1 Accounting
Bachelor of Accounting of PKSM Ganesha Jakarta College of Economics can work and career as a public accountant, management accountant, public sector accounting, internal audit, and accounting educators.

Careers in Government Institutions, Private Organizations, and Public Accounting Firm (KAP) as accountant / internal auditor or examiner staff in various departments and agencies such as the Ministry of Finance, BPK, BPKP, KPK, Bank Indonesia, Directorate General Taxation and Tax Service Regional Office throughout Indonesia, BUMN, BUMD, domestic or Foreign (PMDN, PMA), accounting and control expert staff in provincial government departments, municipalities or districts across Indonesia.

Being Entreprenuer (Entrepreneurs) by building public accounting consulting services, finance and taxation, management consulting for corporations and individuals who insightful information and communication technology.

3. Prospectus of S2 Master of Management
Management is a process of planning, organizing, directing and monitoring efforts of the members of the organization and use of resources to achieve organizational goals.

Management science developed in line with the era of globalization, information technology and komunikasiyang provide an understanding of approaches or procedures important in researching, analyzing and solving managerial problems.

Master of Management (MM) prepares graduates to be globally minded professional, has integrity, vision, determination, and social responsibility.

Master of Management (MM) prepares graduates entering employment business and non-business-based, nationally and internationally, as professionals in finance, marketing (marketing), HR (human resources), operational as well as entrepreneurs (Entreprenuer).
Competencies of Graduates of Master of Management
Graduates of the Master of Management Program has a strong ability to control theory and professional skills as well as a comprehensive perspective; develop professional mental attitude oriented problem solving based workflow management-systems thinking; has scenario building capability in solving management problems; able to develop theoretical studies Recent conceptual; has the ability to digest a thought management; ability to perform a variety of basic and applied research that excel in the field of management.

Master of Management graduates equipped with the knowledge, academic and professional ethics, ability and skills to manage various types of organizations in a comprehensive manner in the areas of finance, marketing, human resources, and operations, as well as strategic decision making.

In addition, it is also equipped with the ability to utilize information and communication technologies in managing the company, developing management information systems, creating a business plan, conduct business negotiations with presentations and good; economic analytical skills, quantitative and management; collate and analyze the financial performance of public enterprises and nonpublic; perform analysis of financial markets (forex market, money market and capital market); draft feasibility study; planning and marketing research; analysis of International Trade, etc.

Basic competency Master of Management is to have quality and intellectual integrity; highly competitive both academically and morally; able to adjust to the changes; realize that science is always advancing and evolving; able to browse and obtain scientific information; know-how and can continue continuous learning; in dealing with each problem, and is able to reveal the structure of the core problems and set priorities stages of completion; know and can take advantage of the usefulness of information technology can apply science and knowledge, competent and skilled in the field of management; able to solve problems logically, utilize data / information available; able to use these concepts to explain things that are not / less clear; able to work independently and effort; able to actively participate in the working group; able to communicate with experts in other areas of expertise and utilize aid them; able to effectively utilize the resources available; able to start forming units pioneering entrepreneur in the field of management, be able to follow new developments in the field of management, conduct research, or to follow the course of study at the next level.

Master of Management graduates have the ability to lead a business organization with strong integrity, the ability to communicate both orally and in writing, ability to cooperate in teams, the ability to understand science to ethics, the ability to understand the knowledge in the field of management, the ability to lead others.
Profession and Career Graduates of Master of Management
Graduates of the Master of Management (MM) can work and career as professional managers and experts in the field of Marketing, Finance, Human Resources, Production and Operations on manufacturing companies, service companies, hospitals, hotels, banking, education, etc.

As an entreprenuer, academics or a career in government and private agencies as professional managers and experts in the fields of marketing, finance, human resource management, production and operations in manufacturing companies, service companies, hospitals, hotels, banking, education, information technology, communication, and so on.

Being a management consultant / business that are reliable, and insightful entrepreneurs information and communication technology.

Tags (tagged): profession, and, graduates, career, regular, evening, college, program, online, lectures, blended, pts, ptn, net, stie, ganesha, jakarta, of, economics, profession and, graduates career, evening college program, online lectures, stie ganesha jakarta, stie ganesha, ganesha jakarta college, of economics, priorities, stages of completion, know and, can, take advantage, analysis of, the, financial statements of, the company, s, orally and in, writing ability, to, cooperate in teams, knowledge, academic, and professional ethics, ability and, entreprenuer, academics or a, career in, government, and private, prospectus, career study, profession and graduates
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